Atomic society convert ruins
Atomic society convert ruins

While he was a professor, prior to WWII, he was known to quote passages from the Mahabharata in every class lecture.

atomic society convert ruins

Oppenheimer: Student of Sanskrit and Vedic LiteratureĮnthralled by the Bhagavad-Gita, the great Indian war epic written around the second century BCE, Oppenheimer began Sanskrit studies so he could read the text in its original language. Later, when questioned whether Trinity was the first-ever detonation of an atomic device, the inscrutable Oppenheimer replied, “Yes, in modern times.” Since then, much has been made of Oppenheimer’s words that beg the question, “And prior to modern times?” Did Oppenheimer suspect there had been a prehistoric nuclear war? If he did, he had a good reason. This radioactive glass was named “Trinitite,” and was considered a unique material found nowhere else on earth. Inside was a green, glassy material indicating temperatures of 3,090F., or 1,700C., the minimum needed to melt sand into glass. It lit every peak, crevasse, and ridge of the nearby mountain range with a clarity and beauty that cannot be described but must be seen to be imagined. It was golden, purple, violet, gray, and blue. The whole country was lighted by a searing light with the intensity many times that of the midday sun. One witness reported “ The lighting effects beggared description. On July 16, 1945, his agency detonated a test plutonium bomb at the White Sands Proving Grounds. One of the programs under the Manhattan Project was Trinity, directed by theoretical physicist Robert Oppenheimer, dedicated to weaponizing nuclear fission as quickly as possible. triggered the Manhattan Project, a “crash” weapons research program.

atomic society convert ruins

But the archaeological and geologic records, ancient literature, and even the words of Robert Oppenheimer himself, force investigators to consider puzzling evidence that begs the questions has Earth been the site of ancient nuclear wars? Did humanity blast itself back to the stone age? Will we do it again? The Trinity TestĪfter the 1941 Japanese Pearl Harbor attack, the U.S. History views the 1945 Trinity atomic bomb test as a civilization’s entry into the nuclear age.

Atomic society convert ruins